Wednesday, May 31, 2006

10 things about...

Break Ups
  1. More often than not, breaking up is as hard on the person ending the relationship as it is on the person being broken up with - don't assume just because a person is breaking up with you means that they no longer care about you, caring about you and wanting a relationship with you are not one and the same.
  2. Nobody likes to hurt another person, especially somebody they have been close to, and it is often very easy to guilt trip somebody into staying with you when they are trying to end things. Resist this urge! When you use guilt as a way to stop a break up you not only cheat yourself out of having a good and true relationship, you foster resentment in the other person which could lead to greater pain and heart ache in the future.
  3. Being broken up with does not mean that there is something wrong with you; it just means that there is something that is not working in the relationship. Try not to take the rejection too personally. Remember that lots of great people have had failed relationships - the fact that the relationships failed says nothing about their value as a person. The fact that your relationship failed likewise says nothing about you as a person.
  4. It is all right to cry, get mad and feel hurt when you are dumped. These are normal natural feelings. Just be sure that you let your feelings out in a safe place among friends or family. Do not make your ex the target of your feelings, even if they have done something to deserve your outrage. The sooner you let go of the other person, the sooner the healing can begin.
  5. Breaking up is never easy. You will have good days and you will have bad days. Take it one day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you have an overly emotional day - you're only human after all.
  6. Break ups are often followed by one of the parties starting a new relationship and when this happens it can bring up all sorts of old feelings. If you thought you were over someone who broke up with you and find yourself upset at the news that s/he has moved on, rest assured you are normal. Let yourself be upset, it is part of the healing process.
  7. Acting out in anger is never good for anybody. After being broken up with don't spread mean or spiteful rumors. Don't betray former confidences by telling old secrets to others. If another person was involved in your break up resist the urge to slam them behind their back. Acting vicious only makes you look bad and any satisfaction you may feel will be short lived. In the end this sort of behaviour will only make you feel worse.
  8. A big part of the pain of breaking up comes from a feeling of embarrassment. We often fear how the situation will look to outsiders. Refuse to be embarrassed, even if you did something outlandish to cause your break up. Letting go of the embarrassment will help you move on to the healing.
  9. Nobody ever deserves to be hurt. Your ex does not deserve to be hurt because you are hurting. Your ex's new love interest (if one even exists) does not deserve to be hurt just because you feel jealous. You do not deserve to be hurt, even if you acted badly and caused the break up. Breaking up hurts, but it doesn't have to be made worse by holding a grudge or drowning yourself in a pool of if only's. Deal with the reality and let go of your anger, the pain will disappear more quickly if you do.
  10. Things may seem bleak now but you never know what the future may hold for you and your ex. You may get back together someday. You may not. Either way it is better to let go of a faltering relationship while there is still some caring left between the two of you. If you play it out to the bitter end and leave your ex no choice but to hate you to get rid of you, you close the door to the future. Bowing out graciously leaves room for a future relationship with your ex, even if it is just as good friends.

his bad side:

x paper qualification
x stable job
alwiz broke
crooked n bad teeth
bad breath
too skinny
really dehydrated skin
not a grt conversationalist
not really funny
x romantic
bad r.ship with his mom
troubled family
alwiz seems like tinggikan suara ngn granny
taknak mengalah tuk maintain r.ship
called me biatch
tak tau nak pujuk
doesnt like my frens
suka nak sepah
suka minum

y shud i crave for him ???wtf!

update on 2/6: even tho u r ALL DAT..tapi i.. yg mayb lagi tak sempurna berbanding u "kalah" kepada cinta u ...all ths imperfections makes u an even better man..u dun deserve a gal like me J...i really hope ur future gf/wife will love n care for you MORE than i did..ur so luvable..the world has been so harsh on u sayang..i pray to God that he gives u strength and all those kesengsaraan u hadapi akan berbaloi kelak...and soon im sure ull find happiness and more. ur WORTH IT my luv

Are You About to be Dumped?

  1. S/he is suddenly busy all the time, and never seems to have time to spend with you. When you find yourself becoming less and less of a time priority, even if the reasons for the distance seem logical, it is never a good thing.
  2. You find that only your fingers do any walking. If you are the only one who ever picks up the phone, especially if the phone calling used to be split pretty equally, break up bells should start ringing.
  3. When you call, more often than not you are asked to leave a message. Be it a parent, sib or friend, if somebody else always seems to answer the phone and take a message you are probably being screened, and we don't screen people we want to talk to!
  4. S/he says s/he is one place but is really another. People do not tend to lie for no reason, if s/he is not being honest about where s/he is or who s/he is with there is rarely a noble reason for the deception.
  5. You don't seem to connect anymore. Remember how when you were first getting together you would run into each other in unexpected places, like between classes or at the mall? If these "accidental" meetings become less common place it may be no accident at all.
  6. Her/his friends seem distant. When somebody wants out of a relationship they often let their friends in on the secret well ahead of time. If your steady's friends seem less friendly it is a good indicator that they know something you don't and that it probably isn't good.
  7. The lovin' is gone! When affection and PDAs (public displays of affection) start to dwindle is could mean the fire of love is also going out.
  8. S/he starts introducing you to new people as "a friend". If s/he is calling you a friend that is all s/he sees you as -- bottom line.
  9. You seem to be fighting a lot about little things. Lots of little fights often mean much bigger things are really at issue.
  10. Kissing and telling. Respect is a relationship essential, once it has been compromised the relationship often follows suit.
  11. You just can't seem to do ANYTHING right. Be it the style of your hair or the way you walk, if your steady suddenly finds fault with everything you do s/he is probably trying to push you away.
  12. You aviod any conversation that begins with "we have to talk" or "I don't know how to say this." If your steady is using these opening lines a break up speech usually follows. If you are avoiding conversations that start like this it is probably because you sense that a break up is near and think tha if you avoid the talk it won't happen. You are wrong, if a person wants out of a relationship they will get out whether you let them tell you or not. Avoiding this talk is just prolonging the inevitable.
Break ups can be harsh but they hurt less if you face facts rather than hide from the truth


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

wut a coincidence

Relationship a strain

I have been going out with this guy for more than a year. Both of us are in our early 30s. We love each other and enjoy spending time together.

However, our relationship has been marred by the fact that he is currently self-employed. All is not well and he has been facing many obstacles. I have had to forget about having birthday gifts from him or any romantic Valentine gifts due to his financial constraints. I have faithfully stood by him and spent much time with him to give him moral and emotional support. I believe that he will succeed as long as he continues to strive, though I am aware it will be a difficult time for both of us.

My parents have pressuring me to settle down. I am ready to be with him through thick and thin, but he is not. He somehow feels that he does not want to drag me into his financial difficulties, especially if we were to be husband and wife.

My family feels that I am wasting my time with him. My mom even called me a slut. That really killed whatever pride I had left in me. It also tears me apart when they put him down.

No one believes that he will succeed. That’s fine by me, as long as he’s done his best. It is not the end of the world.

I have incurred the wrath of my parents whom I love dearly, just to be with him. But I do ask myself ? what has he done for this relationship? I feel like I’m battling this war alone.

I wish that he would stand up for me the same way I do for him. He has given me the choice to leave him but I have chosen to stay put.

Thelma, sometimes I wonder if he is beginning to take me for granted. I have to speak well of him in front of my family and friends. No one knows of the torment I go through. I cry myself to sleep some nights when I go through a bad patch with my family. I have talked to him about my family’s reaction, but still, all he does is listen. I wish so much that for once, he will be bold and do something concrete for US, to prove to my family that he is sincere about me.

I’m just tired of being the only one to protect our relationship. I feel like I’m about to explode. I’m just an ordinary woman who wants to be with the one she dearly loves but the man ain’t doing what a man’s supposed to do.

Anyone out there who has been in the same shoes ? is what I’m going through worth all these tears and heartache?

Love is Not a Bed of Roses

You’re tired and a little disappointed in your man. You wish that he can prove your folks wrong and show the world that he loves you enough to make it good in life.

But he’s an ordinary man too and he needs time to succeed. All this pressure on him will not help to make his life easier. Your tears and pain, your problems with the family, probably adds on to his sleepless nights. His silence does not mean that he cares less about you. He probably feels helpless at this moment because he has yet to make you proud.

You went into this relationship with your eyes open and your heart warned. While you need to heed the words of well-meaning family and friends, you should know your guy better. When the chips are down, support him with your strength and love and do not drag him down with regrets and demands.

He can’t give you roses or diamonds now. But perhaps when he is rich and successful, you will never lack. Others can call you a slut, a fool for being with him but you know you are not. You love him and know that he is worth waiting for. Why shed tears of shame and despair?

Love him and stick through the bad patches together. He will appreciate your love, support and encouragement all the more if you do not pile on the guilt and expectations. Know your mind and heart so that you do not feel the need to justify your love for this man.

taken from the sunday star may 21st 06

i certainly dun wanna see myself jadik cm dia bukan ke?actually x sampai sehari tak cakap/sms j rasa seksa sgt..i guess org tengah gian camne lah kut rasanya they feel tak tenang cam apart of them hilang takleh function cam nak mati pun ade kut...siannn. i feel secara rumusannya DUN EVER DATED A SAGI. dah 2 org i kuar date..2_2 tak menjadi. a scorpio like me mmg takleh mix dgn Sagi...eeee bodonya dah 2 kali terkena..dah lah 2_2 org tu sama tarikh lahir plak tu. wont make the same mistake thrice lah weii..i dun belive in horoscope actually tapi kadang2 baca tuk cari guidance..mysteriously betul sumtimes tau dorang nye semalam nye horos. from yahoo:

Stop the chase. It's time to turn the tables -- you deserve to be the one pursued.

Daily Extended Forecast for May 30, 2006
A flirtatious game you've been playing will suddenly come to a stop today -- is this the end? Hardly! More likely, they are reorganizing their ideas and revising their approach -- get ready, because the tables will be turned. You've never been in this position before, and it may feel uncomfortable. If you don't like it at first, just give it time -- explore this new dimension and you may learn to love it! This is going to be an educational (and exciting) experience

coincidence ke ape? whoaaaa..

update: 3.32 6/31 loser

beginning of da end

Dear Life,


When you love someone so deeply
They become your life
It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears
Blindly I imagined I could
Keep you under glass
Now I understand to hold you
I must open up my hands
And watch you rise

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you to become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

I have learned that beauty
Has to flourish in the light
Wild horses run unbridled
Or their spirit dies
You have given me the courage
To be all that I can
And I truly feel your heart will
Lead you back to me when you're
Ready to land

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you to become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

I can't pretend these tears
Aren't over flowing steadily
I can't prevent this hurt from
Almost overtaking me
But I will stand and say goodbye
For you'll never be mine
Until you know the way
it feels to fly

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you to become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you to become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly
So flutter through the sky

~Mariah Carey~

update: im planning to do sumtin BIG ths coming July...well merancang saja n if all goes well my life akan b totally lain. its kool to b single actually i mean u dun have to answer to anybody. ive got kool parents thy dun care i nak buat ape with my life keje kat mana pun..lagi jauh lagi my mum sukaaaa..bleyyyy tak??mayb dia nak aku berdikari bukan nya aku tak biasa berdikari masa kat Uni. dulu keje part time duk umah sewa lahh..tak balik berbulan..but dats biasa bagi seorang undergrad.
sumtimes when u plan sumthin gila2 pun last2 tak menjadi ie: dlm r.ship promise sehidup semati plan sampai wut kind of wedding we want/nama bakal children etc. i mean dats sweet..hope is good..tapi last2 takde maknanya. banyak benda yg i plan, executed tapi last2 tak menjadi sgt la..tak long term from kerjaya to edu. to even luv life. tapi ths time around the change of a career is a must! i have 2 options:

1) pindah keje outstation tempat yg a bit terceruk..kawan i kenal pun sorang. yea cara hidup lebih simple no worries keje pun tak stress..tapi takde kehidupan bukan ke?nak buat ape je?takkan lepak umah lepas keje tgk tv. takkan nak lepak beach hari2?nnt lelama i akan bela kucing buat teman pastu jadik andalusia bleh??setakat nak cari jodoh kat tmpt keje baru..alamakk ape klassss anak tak berkembang (haha lawak)

2) sambung blaja ke bidang yg i minat...but too afraid to venture in. peluang kerjaya cerah, bleh travel around the world if i want to! (and of coz if im really good at it), work environment pun cam bes, tenang. n the best part is u make ppl feel happy bout thmselves..and its a good ice breaker juga..ppl mesti seronok nak tau pesal kerjaya skill ni bleh dipraktikkan kemana2 pun..i bleh bukak bizness sendiri juga..its sumthin new in malaysia but its a booming bizness overseas...

i dun think i wanna leave KL..i was born bred and mayb die here juga...KL is really a special place a land of abundant opportunities..if i wanna leave KL i might as well pindah jauh sesangat, luar negara bukan ke?mayb J was rite..ill thank him sumday ..yea mayb hmmm..and mama?yeaa yeaa i akan kuar dari umah soonn..ull c

Monday, May 29, 2006


dear life,

im at a crossroad. whr do i go frm here?its so hard to even start on anything. START saja. bergerak one step ahead.sangat takut of the future.not dat i knw wuts in store for me.good or bad, i gotta harungi wut am i so afraid of??sigh

last weekend i lied to everybody including my mom:(. actually i went to c THE BF.he merayu nak jumpa i and we end up doing more than juz "berjumpa". but dats another story (and dont think anything notty) its x like dat really.well sort of. anyway, he wants me not as a gf, not sumbody he sees bein with for a long time. he wants me not as a fren jugak. so between dat le, with benefits of course. tapi benefit lebih kepada sapa yg untung?? entahlah. mine is more towards.."ill b thr when u need me basis" emotionally support wise and him..carnally wise. bley gitu? wut else is new??i c it comin' i gave him an ULTIMATUM


hahahaha..sounds ridiculous eyyyy no no not really it sounds like SUICIDE!i mean its impossible!oil and water cannot mix weiiiiii..hailaaaaaaa..perlu ke membakar diri untuk cinta???lebih2 lagi cinta itu tak pasti.kalau hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan camne?the bf macam dah berubah hati. he s making a lot of xcuses..i knw in my heart he is confuse but u do LUV ME RITE???so i tot salah seorang kena mengalah untuk make our RELATIONSHIP WORKS?! so i mengalah bf. wut more do u want?i dah letak diri i kat tangga terbwah sangat taraf PARIAH mungkin (mayb over exaggerate skit)..ape lagiii bf..ape lagiii..

tiba teringat lagu "berhenti berharap" dari SO7

perempuan kalau bercinta tak ingat apekan?sanggup buang mak bapak, sedara, kawan, kerjaya HARGA DIRI, WHOLE LIFE dia AGAMA sumanya untuk CINTA..perlu ka??in the end??ape kita akan dapat?happiness ke?kalau tak hepi ok ke?bukan ke kita nak pursue happiness dats why kita tinggalkan sumanya..for HIM?

bley tak??skang ni halatuju my life ditentukan oleh one sms yg dia janji akan bagi ths petang. juz dat one stupid sms. a YES OR NO explanation needed.takleh dirunding dah.memang JAWAPAN MUKTAMAD. i takleh move on nor bergerak lansung.stagnant kat sini juz menunggu dat sms! sounds GILA but dats wut im doin rite now..posting kat blog. brain dead skang.perempuan bijak cam aku neh dikalahkan oleh seorang laki.juz one man. but i feel dat he is THE WORLD to me.

how can dat b yzzi?
y do u let this to u??
i dun knw really, it juz happen...

banyak nye jalan..mana nak pi ni?but wut i do knwnow is i need dat answer from u bf. then ill chart my course....

"life is like a box full of choco. ull nvr knw wut ull get"
sumbody reminded me dat..yea good or bad u kena harungi jugak. dont dat makes life MORE FUN/INTERESTING ?hmmm....

i promise ill move on if the answer is a BLUNT NO. i promise...ill make plans for us. good plans..God willing. after all org yg paling u bleh harapkan HANYALAH UR OWN SELF

update: its 5.30pm on 30.5.06. i cant tunggu his sms. so i subtly force him to tell me. AND HE SAID HIS DECISION STAND.he doesnt want me anymore. bley tak dia kata " so u selamba ja..ok u wont call me nomore? u dun understand ull thank me in few years time" well J u degil dgn pendirian u sgt2 sure ur doin the rite thing so be it!i jugak sama cam u stand tru dgn pendirian i..heart broken mmg heart broken..sedih mmg sedih, but sumhow i knew he wud say no and in a way im glad its all over. macam gantung tak bertali rasa.takde status di hati dia.cakap cinta tapi perbuatan tak menunjukkan cinta. God knows how hard i nak pertahankan my relationship. i wont give up witout a fight..and i lose to ..????he s not into me dat much

im letting you go my beautiful butterfly
spread ur wings and prepare to fly coz u have become a butterfly
shud u return to me then ill knw we r meant to be


but dats life..move on..
....and the journey continuessss...

Thursday, May 11, 2006


i tau u banyak masalah J..sibuk ke sini ke sana..u tau tak dari hari ni i tahan je ngadu kat org sbb think my problem bleh tanggung. i ade more than 5 masalah dlm masa satu hari ni . n u knw wut????priority i pada surat u jaaa jie HANYA SURAT U TAU TAK?i tau i yg offer nak tolong. i tauuuu tu tapi macam mana sibuk pun i PENTINGKAN SURAT U JUGAK TAU TAK?berbanding benda lain besar tau benda lain nak tau ape?well some of it jaaaa juz sum of it is my dokumen tuk confirmation sebagai staff HILANG after i waited 3 fucking years. trus hilang ..i kena buat baru tapi mayb i tak akan confirm ths year. no kenaikan pangkat no naik gaji ths year. ok tapi i sabar lagi. then L nye application tuk keje kat X deadline hari ni.mum harapkan i habiskan isi borang dia dengan hampir 5 soalan berbentuk karangan nak kena jawab. ok i tahan lagi. then kertas keje ke cherating dorang nak i siapkan today!suma org lepas tangan.program yg penting tapi kat bahu i batalkan meeting sepatutnya..oklah malas nak crita

u dun wan to listen u shud pujuk me dah dua kali kena
i takbleh harapkan u sebagai bf pun
u ingat i suka crita2 hal2 i kat org lain
bf is SUAMI to ME
espcially mmg kita dua asyik call ourselves FUCKING SUAMI BINI
kalau i kawin ngan u ..perangai u camni jugak ke??
sama ke??dah kawin besok (kalau dapat kawin kan) macam ni ka???dah kawin i kena cari X or Y/ sapa2 lagi tuk ngadu or lepaskan fikiran i yg kusut ni ke????tolonggglahhhh be a man!MY MAN FOR ONCE
im a girl I NEED YOUR MORAL SUPPORT ..seorang pendengarrr
susah ke??mmg i kata i taknak..tapi u kena pujuk i balik
im asking myself banyak kali WHY CANT MY BF B LIKE MY EX BF???do u think i like dat????beza2kan u ??i dun k??but i cant help myselffff DEAR GOD I REALLY WANT SUMBODY A TRU MANNNN WHY CANT U GIV ME????IM BEGGIING U DEAR GOD..i hate my life. i hate my not fit to b anybody at all.i cant handle it J..i canttttt..i juz canttttt


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

etc etc

dear life,

achelly horrrr my bf horr talak suka wa celita2 hal2 rumahtangga kami worrrr...dia kata horrr buat apa lu mau celita suma2 kat olang??tak baikkkk lorrrrrr

tapi bf skali ni jer...sbb i geram kat u..ikan S (muahaha...setengah org je tau ape maksud S itu)

alkisahnya...akan ku sapu dgn kunyit then letak garam secukup rasa eh ehh sebelum tu lumur ngn ayak asam jawa/air beras bagi dia wangiii. then goreng minyak panas api neraka..then dh masak bagi Garfiled makan pastu tulang dia tanam cam dlm bawang putih bawang merah. bina buaiannnnn atas dia ..berbuaii lah dlm kehangatan cinta...tra la la la la

sayanggg bucuk bf i ni tauuu...muahaha..jgn jeles..bagi can la wa mau hepi beb. im glad its all over b. lawak betul sejak kebelakangan ni..hampir suma org aku panggil "b" tengok2??nama u slalu i sebut tau..bukan nama Tuhan..mmg tak guna aku neh

moral of th story mory???PLZ k?PLZ la...tolonggg laa

PUJUK GF KALAU DIA NGAJUK/LEPAS GADUH..tak kisah sapa salahhh..(sudah semestinya bf yg salah huhuu)..TAPI PUJUK k??trust me guysss...pulangan yg u dpt dgn mengalah dulu adalah PRICELESS

Tajuk: Tupai-tupai

ala...bukan hebat sgt ke restoran ni tapi cam ala2 almost everywhr i go..adeje yg cam ala2 ske sgt mengagung2kan restoran tupai2 ni.dpt lah borak ngn owner dia (tak ingat nama) da owner a malay is the Head chef so it seems. tapi yg i tak brapa minat pintu masuk restoran tu ada seekor tupai dlm sangkar ala maskot gitu..sian gak tupai tu..dorang mana biasa dok sangkar. then ade satu seating ja u bleh duduk bersila cam kelakar kan satu ja. but i luv the ambiance so romantik!then ade satu kawasan kan depan pintu masuk call "miang2 keladi corner" camtu lah (pls correct me if im wrong) do u knw they can tempatkan 100 jemaah kat surau sebelah restoran tu..

jalan nak masuk restoran tu kena tawaf hampir 360 jalan spiral gitu terceruk atas bukit.anyways masa nak gi sana sesat lah plak..L bawak keta n kami tumpangkan sorang kakak ni.hahaha kelakar le dia minah cuak. shes married with 3 kids and keje hebattt IT analyst dgn konfidennya kami tailgate keta one of our coll.

keta mercedes hitam vs kancil silver dlm kepekatan malam di atas jalan raya KL yg tak pernah tak sesak

so hailaaa..ingat driver merc. tu tau kami membontoti dia ..tailgate le tu. rupanya tak tauu ni satu kes blur sotong.camne tak tau?kan kami dah pesan "kakak kami tunggu u tau nak ke sana" bukan ke tu dah clean n clear ckp "kami tak tau ke sana" so hellooooooooo..

anyway jalan punya jalan kumain laju merc. tu meluncur dlm hujan dah le malam..aku dah cuak si L tanya tengok merc. tu pi mana belok ka..line tengah ka apa ka..aku pun konfiden lahh fokus gila kat merc tu skali tetiba banyak plak merc hitam atau keta cam merc. kat erm huh..dah berpeluh dahh..sesat lah plak kat area LRT sogo-Bank negara tu. kakak yg IT analyst (IT) tu kepoh gak...kat blakangg.. "masuk lane sini..belok sini..tu ahahh aku nampak pi straight ja". then keta merc. dah hilang kat area Masjid negara. aku n L nye fon kredit takde. Kak IT fon batery kong tapi ada top RM10. Achelly kak IT tak tau kami tak pernah jalan pi area tu malam camni. dia ingat kami Pro. lah. 1st time L dah cuak tanya aku "kat mana neh" straight ka turun bawah ke KTM tu? drp bising2 kak IT kat blakang keta. tetiba senyap (masa tu tak prasan dia senyap) L n i dah cuak kan..So aku dgn hebatnya take charge!hahah

"kakak IT bak kredit!nah amik syiling gores n bacakan nom. top up!L u lalu bawah ke KTM"
then cepat2 call merc. dia pun ckp "bukan2 kena naik atas lepas lalu masjid negara..laaaaa tak tau jalan rupanya" sabar je aku minah ni...bawak skit punya shcumacher (betul ke eja?). then patah balik lalu dayabumi traffic lite kat depan dataran merdeka. kan takleh U -turn ke Dayabumi i n L bebel2 n gaduh skit coz i taknak dia buat U turn dia tak kisah..tak kisah konon lesen P nak buat hal...kete..kete aku..nama akuu..banyak lahhh (kak IT masih senyap tau kat blakang) then we all lalu blakang mahkamah pusing balik..anyways mulut dua ekor ni masih bising lahhh..gaduh2 tak puas hatiii..menyalahkan each other (tapi biasa ja..mmg kami mulut over skit) ok sampai lah ke Tupai2 merc. waited for us kat stesen BP dekat DBP tu. masa tu jam skit depan DBP so adelah ala2 mcm nak terlanggar ngn keta lain..tapi biasalahhh kan

hahahaha..ok yg best bila dah sampai kat restoran dah duduk nie..nak siap makan nih..ade lah kurang 10mins. kak IT senyap ja..kami tak perasan rupanya dia TRAUMA naik keta ngn kami. Mulut dia punyalah ternganga mata terbeliak..suma org dah nak start bukak mulut makan..dia cam zombie ternganga kat situ . betul nih. then org duduk sebelah dia cam shook her "kakak IT u ok? why pucat?kenapa tak makan" then i n L pandang dia mmg PUCAT muka dia pakat gelak lahhh...di sebalik tisuu..kami kutuk2 dia baru skit dah cuakk..elehhh huhuuu jahatnya kami

anyways..i dpt token jam dari Ikea...comel bangat..mmg aku jakun kut, tapi x pernah dpt jam hebat cam ni...hebat camne??...sila rujuk gambar di bawah

to b continued

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


dear Life,

I LUV MY BF!!...enuf said. harap berpanjangan sampai ke akhir hayat....

ahhhh besnye bila diri ini menjadi permaisuri di hati seorang lelaki. i have to think +ve. wut comes my way, i shud take it sebagai ujian Tuhan.Usaha. Tawakal.

chin up, look forward n walk with pride!

i am certainly worth it!

its really funny ..smlm punya problems yg hailaaa amat la menyeksakan seems so unimportant and so small tday..itu yg penting HARI INI LEBIH BAIK DARI SEMALAM

ps/ to my frenS yg berduka/mendukakan, u knw who u r..b strong k...theres MORE to LIFE than wut ur bein thru rite now


Dear Life,

emotional roller coaster le...kejap relationship kami baik then tak baik..pastu reda balik then gaduh balik.
im really moody this evening sum bapak budak harassed my staff by calling us nak expediate what he wants. dah lah semalam datang opis all da way from JB semata2 nak layan karenah anak biatch dia.things we can settle cepat dan simple but he makes it WORST.

remember we are ONE -WHOLE-UNITE -NOBODY CAN SPOIL OUR DAY--->>kata2 Madam.

nangis dalam hati skang. so i trus called S nak mengadu and yeah masa tu hati masih panas so "ter" marah dia skali. I ngaku its a habit of mine. once marah org suma org dekat i kena skali. he layaned me and blabbered sumthing to cool me down. then tetibe dia bukak crita lain.tak tau ke dia isu i blum habis. i cant juz let it go dgn cepat...but come onnn..dats wut guys r for!bfren for that matter..u turn to them when u ade problem spy dia tenangkan balik jiwa kita kan?K macam tu dulu..aku marah2 psl org lain buat hal..dia marah skali ngan aku.dia slalu kata i lemah tak pandai nak gaduh ngan org.dun like dat biatch/bstrd get away...n i trus bleh cool down.seingat aku.

sumbody said to me tday. its better we start off a relationship as friends rather than lovers trus. coz we will not fully understand who is our significant other really is.guess its tru.S told me he still doesnt knw me dat well.of all the things in the world rite now. I need a bf who can be a real fren.....

TAK BOLEH.CANNOT.ITS IMPOSSIBLE...skang ni or forever camtu kut

He told me he dun knw wut to do or say when i confide in him...or cam marah2 ngadu kat dia. defensive le u ni S. im not mad at u ..i want u to listen n bagi cadangan yg BERNAS then lavish me with sayang, hugs and kisses!

for the time bein, S i taknak ckp ngn u ..walaupun nak baca ur sms .nak u pujuk i.yeahhh nak u pujuk i ..tu jaaaaa...:(

taknak ungkit. n yea i marah2 kat u tak puas hati kat u ..but i sayang kat u ..hati ni dh sayangg...n mayb no turning back:(


oklah nak pi Tupai-Tupai ade function ngn lina kitaowng gamble pi sana ikut bas yg shuttle the students

ps/ Daria???hmmm...i dun hv much to say but LET IT B..i knw its hard (aku pun susah nak let certain things b) but u gotta do dat..