wut a coincidence
Relationship a strain
I have been going out with this guy for more than a year. Both of us are in our early 30s. We love each other and enjoy spending time together.
However, our relationship has been marred by the fact that he is currently self-employed. All is not well and he has been facing many obstacles. I have had to forget about having birthday gifts from him or any romantic Valentine gifts due to his financial constraints. I have faithfully stood by him and spent much time with him to give him moral and emotional support. I believe that he will succeed as long as he continues to strive, though I am aware it will be a difficult time for both of us.
My parents have pressuring me to settle down. I am ready to be with him through thick and thin, but he is not. He somehow feels that he does not want to drag me into his financial difficulties, especially if we were to be husband and wife.
My family feels that I am wasting my time with him. My mom even called me a slut. That really killed whatever pride I had left in me. It also tears me apart when they put him down.
No one believes that he will succeed. That’s fine by me, as long as he’s done his best. It is not the end of the world.
I have incurred the wrath of my parents whom I love dearly, just to be with him. But I do ask myself ? what has he done for this relationship? I feel like I’m battling this war alone.
I wish that he would stand up for me the same way I do for him. He has given me the choice to leave him but I have chosen to stay put.
Thelma, sometimes I wonder if he is beginning to take me for granted. I have to speak well of him in front of my family and friends. No one knows of the torment I go through. I cry myself to sleep some nights when I go through a bad patch with my family. I have talked to him about my family’s reaction, but still, all he does is listen. I wish so much that for once, he will be bold and do something concrete for US, to prove to my family that he is sincere about me.
I’m just tired of being the only one to protect our relationship. I feel like I’m about to explode. I’m just an ordinary woman who wants to be with the one she dearly loves but the man ain’t doing what a man’s supposed to do.
Anyone out there who has been in the same shoes ? is what I’m going through worth all these tears and heartache?
Love is Not a Bed of Roses
You’re tired and a little disappointed in your man. You wish that he can prove your folks wrong and show the world that he loves you enough to make it good in life.
But he’s an ordinary man too and he needs time to succeed. All this pressure on him will not help to make his life easier. Your tears and pain, your problems with the family, probably adds on to his sleepless nights. His silence does not mean that he cares less about you. He probably feels helpless at this moment because he has yet to make you proud.
You went into this relationship with your eyes open and your heart warned. While you need to heed the words of well-meaning family and friends, you should know your guy better. When the chips are down, support him with your strength and love and do not drag him down with regrets and demands.
He can’t give you roses or diamonds now. But perhaps when he is rich and successful, you will never lack. Others can call you a slut, a fool for being with him but you know you are not. You love him and know that he is worth waiting for. Why shed tears of shame and despair?
Love him and stick through the bad patches together. He will appreciate your love, support and encouragement all the more if you do not pile on the guilt and expectations. Know your mind and heart so that you do not feel the need to justify your love for this man.
taken from the sunday star may 21st 06
i certainly dun wanna see myself jadik cm dia bukan ke?actually x sampai sehari tak cakap/sms j rasa seksa sgt..i guess org tengah gian camne lah kut rasanya they feel tak tenang cam apart of them hilang takleh function cam nak mati pun ade kut...siannn. i feel secara rumusannya DUN EVER DATED A SAGI. dah 2 org i kuar date..2_2 tak menjadi. a scorpio like me mmg takleh mix dgn Sagi...eeee bodonya dah 2 kali terkena..dah lah 2_2 org tu sama tarikh lahir plak tu. wont make the same mistake thrice lah weii..i dun belive in horoscope actually tapi kadang2 baca tuk cari guidance..mysteriously betul sumtimes tau dorang nye prediction...like semalam nye horos. from yahoo:
Stop the chase. It's time to turn the tables -- you deserve to be the one pursued.
Daily Extended Forecast for May 30, 2006
A flirtatious game you've been playing will suddenly come to a stop today -- is this the end? Hardly! More likely, they are reorganizing their ideas and revising their approach -- get ready, because the tables will be turned. You've never been in this position before, and it may feel uncomfortable. If you don't like it at first, just give it time -- explore this new dimension and you may learn to love it! This is going to be an educational (and exciting) experience
coincidence ke ape? whoaaaa..
update: 3.32 6/31 loser
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